God’s Stamina

Deut. 31:8 NIV
The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you.
He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
God’s Stamina is Endless!

Rock climbing — not for the faint of heart — in other words, someone with no stamina!

What is stamina anyway? Why is it important to have? What is its purpose?

Let’s get “chalked up” and get to climbing through these questions, shall we?

Stamina: the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort; [in spite of stressful opposition!]

Other descriptions include:

Staying Power: to remain in a specific position or state; and ability to get results.

Endurance: the ability or strength to keep doing something for a long time.

Resilient: able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.

Tirelessness: seemingly incapable of tiring or becoming tired.

And this one right here — INDEFATIGABLE: incapable of being fatigued!

You may be surprised at the list of what is considered the opposite of stamina. Check this list out: fear, incompetence, lack, laziness, cowardice, weakness, powerlessness, apathy, and lethargy. In looking at this list of attributes, I asked myself, “Do any of these attributes belong to or come out of God? Thankfully, I got a resounding NO – after all, it was an easy question.

What’s stamina’s job?

The definition reveals to us that stamina’s job is to provide resistance to anything that opposes our quest for completing any project or life endeavor, especially if it is one that is taking a long time to complete and/or we are fighting opposition that doesn’t want us to succeed — ever.

A key ingredient in stamina’s DNA is that resistance piece. The refusal to accept or comply with something or someone that is opposed to us; the ability not to be affected by something or someone, especially adversely. Let’s face it – we need to keep cool if stamina is going to have its highest and best results.

God is the best example of what it looks like to operate with stamina. He is faithful. He IS faithfulness. He’s the only one I know of that is INDEFATIGUABLE! He never gets tired or drops His guard due to mental anguish. He is truly the resilient One.

Why do we need stamina?

Because, dear ones, we have an enemy that wants our demise anyway he can get it.

John 10:10 New Living Translation 10 The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

Our enemy has been around a long time, and he’s got some mad skills! But he is no match for our undefeated King!

God’s STAMINA is what flows through me to resist any opposition in seeing the fulfillment or completion of His Word. God’s stamina / faithfulness shows up in His resistance to stop the flow of darkness from destroying our lives.

#WORDInfusion #ItsTeaTime #Stamina

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